Image 233 of 393 in the category '3-Zondag-Race'

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Headline: F1 - JAPAN GRAND PRIX 2019

Description: 55 SAINZ Carlos (spa), McLaren Renault F1 MCL34, action during the 2019 Formula One World Championship, Japan Grand Prix from October 11 to 13 at Suzuka - Photo Clement Marin / DPPI

Keywords: asie, auto, car, f1, formula 1, formula one, formule 1, formule un, grand prix, japon, motorsport, octobre, race, world championship

Source: Clement Marin

Credit: Clement Marin / DPPI

Byline: Clement Marin

Instruction: 00119022

Name: 131019-JPN-DP-4117.JPG

File Size: 9.6 MB

Type: image/jpeg

Pixel Size: 4800 x 3200 (15 MP)

Print Size at 300 dpi: 40.6 x 27.1 cm